Our services
Flexibility first!
Our services will be custom tailored to your needs. No matter whether you handle fashion, car parts, books and print or audio and video products – we can offer you a complete package of services including everything you need.
NGL manages warehousing for all possible types of products, as well as all related services.
- goods-in
- warehousing
- purchasing and stock management
- inventory listing
- assembly, labeling and sticker application, shrink wrapping, bundling
- certified destruction
Our Bread and Butter every day! NGL’s work day in, day out contains all services for a complete logistical solution
- Picking and Packing(Pick & Pack)
- National and international shipping and B2C tasks for all products, order types and modalities with leading parcels services and freight forwarders
- Export and customs management
- Return management
- Refurbishing, repair and shrink wrapping
Finance and accounting services
NGL will handle your entire finance and accounting procedure for your physical business and pay out the revenue to you.
Our customer service team will handle your requests. All tasks starting from order placement up to shipping your order will be taken care of by our experienced colleagues.
IT solutions
NGL’s standard is to find a functional IT integration for any modality presented by our clients. Our internal IT department will find a custom interface, tailored to your systems.
International distribution and communication
Our core business! Due to our unique position in the classical music business we maintain strong business relations to almost all major distributors on the globe.
Have your products manufactured with leading pressing plants at affordable rates.